Dirt Farmers Deepening, Year Long Online Study Group

Get ready to blow your mind and change the world. Microbiology, pollination ecology, ethnobotany, nutrition/health, race , gender & farming, fungal and arboreal networks, art, permaculture, agrarian practices and how these are all connected. Science, spirit, politics and culture.   We will read profound, life changing books,  generate a comprehensive reading list, generate well considered study questions, challenge each other in discussion, hone in on practices that make an impact and develop a curriculum that any of us can share with others. This is a group collaborative project, and while I am convening and facilitating, we may also have guest speakers (the more you are able to pay on the scale, the more possibility for this) and you may be called upon to facilitate and practice your own leadership skills. In the second half of the year you will develop your own project…it may be hands on in your own garden or community or research based and there will be a presentation at the end. 

We will meet online one Saturday a month (probably two 90 minute sessions with a break) plus a 75 minute progress check-in on a week day evening TBA. In addition to reading, there will be journaling and homework which will including some thinking/writing and some practice.  There will be an ongoing forum for us to communicate as we go, creating our culture/community. I would propose a Facebook group for the purpose, but if anyone is not on Facebook or has a better suggestion I am very open to it.  

The cost to participate is a sliding scale per month. $25-125 ($300-1500 for the year) per zoom window (couples/families can participate on one window but consider that in choosing your sliding scale price).
The balance for the first three months is due at sign up. But so I don’t have to track you down each time, my preference would be for 3 more quarterly payments sent as post dated checks:  April 1,  July 1, October 1 due on Feb 1.

A reading list and homework will be sent January 8th and the tentative date for our first meeting will be January 15, timing TBA. If you want to participate but this date doesn’t work for you, let me know. Additionally while it sounds like a lot I acknowledge that all of us, including me is super busy, so while I want us all to commit to it, I also want it to be doable to integrate into busy lives.

Please read  our sliding scale guidelines before picking your price.
Enter your price for the first three months in the “Name Your Price” box without a dollar sign, then “Add to cart”
You may also sign up here, but pay me directly via Venmo and save the PayPal handling fees…Put Zero in the name your price box and send your payment via Venmo to @KRuby-Blume


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